


  • Huge choice of inventory. We work with the world’s largest hotel chains and several thousands of hotels directly. This enables us to provide the best rates and save your money.

  • Incredibly low prices – Book accommodation worldwide at discounted rates.

  • Exclusive manual pre-check of bookings – We additionally check all the order details with the hotel.

  • Save time and money: comfort and the best prices for your clients.

  • Work with the net prices – With us, you can run your business even more effectively.

  • Reliable support service – You will receive first-class customer support and a personal account manager. We are continuously at your service: we support bookings, help you in your work, and address issues you may have.

Click and Book Travel offers hotels to touristic and online travel industry, at the net cost or a fee. Our partners and customers include tour operators, local touristic agencies and online sales. We offer hotels with flexible business with a variety of room types with immediate reservation confirmation.
You choose from several thousand hotels, villas and apartments at great prices for corporate clients and travel agencies. The database of our partner hotels is continually updated and improved. We are constantly working on expanding to the new markets of Europe, Asia, America and Africa. Enjoy superb service, accommodation and hospitality at the best prices in all our hotels.